
We offer a range of support services to help you use our solutions more effectively, making sure that your work continues without any disruption, and relevant Support provided as quickly as possible. Our support services are offered through a variety of channels - voice-based, e-mail, web-based.
Support and resistance levels for Precious metals, base metals and energy.
Important data, Economic data and updates of Gold and Silver.
Comprehensive technical analysis of commodities.
Energy update and levels for the next trading session.
weekly momentum Base metals updates and levels
Accuracy of 85-90% maintained with strict stop loss.
Complete follow ups through SMS and Chat room.
Complete phone support during market hours.
1. Easy day– INR.6000/-
Limited 1-2 quality callson a daily basis In MCX Precious Metals and Energy Mode: Only SMS

2. Best Price -INR.8000/-

Limited 4-6 quality callson a daily basisIn MCX Precious Metals,Base Metals and Energy Mode: SMS, YAHOO 
3. Fortune - INR.13000/-
(Easy day+ Best Price) Limited 2-3 quality callsWeekly Momentum Calls InMCX Precious Metals and Energy
4. Triump– INR. 20000/-
(Easy day+ Best Price + Positional Calls) 4-5 Trend Based Positional calls Monthly Basis in MCX Precious Metals,Base Metals and Energy Mode: SMS, YAHOO, PHONE 
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